The overall theme for my artwork is NATURE.
My art and practice is based on both a scientific, a philosophical and a spiritual approach by being in and truly seeing and sensing nature.
I am fascinated by the traces which bear witness to the passage of time. The long and short intervals of time are mirrored around us in large and small.
I have a surtain awareness around how nature is coping with the impact of human activity everywhere. The impact is increasing and humans are destroying and changing ecosystems and the foundation for an incredible number of species, including our own.
My intent and hope is that my artwork will contribute to a change in human behavior that is more sustainable and respectfull towards other species and the Earth as a whole.
is chaos and cosmos of nature in itself the meaning…
the experience of eternity of time
the feeling of being insignificant
the incomprehensible is not comprehensible
the science of nature can be understood but not comprehended
maybe art can add the dimension
that makes the incomprehensible comprehensible – maybe
the force of nature is the purpose of art